Thursday, 14 October 2010

My Task for This project was to recreate an opening scene for a film, as well as trying to match the correct
• Timing
• Change of scene
• Location
• Clothing

Planning and Filming 

During this task there were numerous jobs in which I had to complete in order for my film opening to look like the original. First I had to make sure I picked a film opening, which, for this project, was Footloose. Footloose opening mainly consisted of different types of shoes in which changed every time the screen changed. So my partner and I had to be sure to remember some of the key things of the video. For instance:
• How many shoes where involved
• How many beats per second were included
• How many scenes where involved
• The different types of shoes.

To prepare we had to be sure to organise ourselves, and the best way we thought was to create a shot list and a storyboard. This was important because it was an easier way to remember the next frame or the next shoe involved in the frame. Also it helped remind us about the type of shot, whether it is was a close up, long or extreme shot.


In our remake, because we did not have many different shots, we had to be sure that the location we picked was suitable i.e whether, lightning space, to make our film a success. At times my partner and I thought that inside was a suitable because it matched the film we were remaking (Footloose). After Searching our options we decided to film in an enclose room in our school,the studio room. In This room  to make it more appropriate for film we added a white back drop with a few spotlights to make it look more presentable. 


After asking around for people to star in our film, my partner and i came to a decision whereby we thought it'd be easier for us to star in it, as it was footwork, and practicing and memorising the beat, we know and spend less time teaching it to others. 


After we had made the storyboard and shot list, at this time round our main focus was the achieve the right timing as well as the correct the movement as close to the original. with this was the beats in the song in which every dance step had to match the beat of the song, or it would not mirror our remake. So to make this work we, as partners, decided that aside from 3 shots, every shot had 2 lots of 8 beats per shot. This was important to us because knowing the beat helped us to keep to the music which was important considering that our remake mainly consisted of footwork.   

With us we had to have patience whilst filming simply because we had 23 shots to film which or consisted of keeping up with the beat within the film and changing costume in between. It was also important to keep time management because we had to be sure that if was not organised with the time, or set a date for when we should finish, it would have taken us longer because we would not have had  the right mind map, to finish our goal. 


For me, the costume department must have been the most challenging because instead of different items we had to prepare different pair of shoes. Although there were a few clothing items we had many shoes to bring in, because the shoes was what made the film opening. 

For example this shot the costume involved included jeans which covered the military boots. 

We had many shoes which were involved in making our film opening. The different shoes involved were the following below :

Heels (purple, white, black etc)
Military Boots
Males Work Shoes 

And the different clothing items involved were the following below:

Leg Warmers 

It was important that we has every item around in case we were to do more that two films of the same shot. This was because we wanted to be sure that we had enough to work with. Also, at times, because we had a shortage of the different shoes, we thought to recycle the shoes and  use them for one or more shots, but the only difference in the shots was the type of clothing item the footwear had with it. 


To edit our film we had to use the application abode premiere pro, which helped us to cut, resize, and remodel our video. To set up a work place on adobe we first had to capture all our filming from out of the camera onto the desktop where it would be save and in parts for my partner and I to put together to make a montage. 

 After capturing each scene for the opening we then had work cut out for us. following the capturing we than started to place each scene in correct order, (before cutting and adding any necessary features to it).  When we had put all the scenes into correct order it was now time to use the cutting icon  to cut scenes to fit it according to the original. 
When cutting it was important that we had cut the right amount of the scene otherwise it would have cut to much off and this would have affected  the impact of the film. Cutting a scene was used frequently in our film because we had a lot of scenes in some cases went straight into the next scene.  

For some parts of our task we had to unlink some audio and visual  because some unwanted sound had appeared which we did not intend to capture. so to unlink the following we had to do this: 

First You Right Clicked the mouse and click the unlink option. This enabled me to unlink the double footage which will then help me because it will not delete the entire footage but just apart of it. 

Next we took the part of the footage that we wanted to delete  so that we only had a single audio and visual footage for our scene. 

After unlinking the remaining audio and visual scenes of the footage we were left with similar recordings to our film opening (footloose). 

once we had set what our film opening was set out to be, we then decided that we had to adjust the framing and sizing of the film. this was because, it made it,visually, to see clearly out video and easy enough to compare it with our film opening with original. 

That was another factor in which we had to be aware of. We had to be sure that everything we cut and pasted and resized. looked and sounded the exact same as the original. 

The final part to our filming was adding the text. For this part we needed to make sure that the text we added appeared at the right time as the original as well as the correct font and size.